DirectorStuart Aitken, Ph.D. Department of Geography, SDSU
Center StaffProject Director: Thomas Herman, Ph.D.
Evaluation Analyst: Rhianna Maras, M.A.
Fernando Bosco, Ph.D. Department of
Geography, SDSU
Giorgio Hadi Curti, Ph.D. , Department of Geography, SDSU
Sylvia Lopez Estrada, Ph.D. Department of Population Studies, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
Norma Iglesias-Prieto, Ph.D. Department of
Chicano/a Studies, SDSU
Pascale Joassart-Marcelli, Ph.D. Department of
Geography, SDSU
Norma Ojeda, Ph.D. Department
of Sociology, SDSU
Doreen Mattingly, Ph.D. Department of Women's Studies,
Ramona Perez, Ph.D. Department of
Anthropology, SDSU
Shulamit Ritblatt, Ph.D.
Department of Child and Family Development, SDSU
Kate Swanson, Ph.D. Department of
Geography, SDSU
Denise Dixon Goerisch, Ph.D., 2013-14
Ryan Goode , PhD Student
Elizabeth Kennedy , PhD Student
Lydia Wood, PhD Student
Christopher M. Moreno, Ph.D., Ethnographer