This page contains information on journals relevant to the work of the ISYS Center. Links are provided as a resource and do not reflect endorsement of specific journals.

Children’s Geographies
Advancing interdisciplinary understanding of younger people’s lives.
Stuart C. Aitken, Commissioning Editor for North America

Advancing interdisciplinary understanding of younger people’s lives.
Stuart C. Aitken, Commissioning Editor for North America
Childhoods Today
(online journal of Univ. of Sheffield, UK)
The aim of the journal is to publish high quality empirical and theoretical work by
up-and-coming researchers in the field of childhood studies and to provide a reference for
others working in this and related fields.

Children, Youth and Environments
(Univ. of Colorado)
The world’s leading publication for the latest news on children, youth, and their environments.

Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
(Symposium Journals)
The journal incorporates interdisciplinary, cutting edge work which may include the following
areas: poststructuralist, postmodern and postcolonial approaches, queer theory, sociology of
childhood, alternative viewpoints of child development, and deal with issues such as language and
identity, the discourse of difference, new information technologies, stories and voices, curriculum,
culture and pedagogy, or any combination of such ideas.

(Univ. of Kentucky)
An inventive journal of social theory, each issue of which publishes interviews, book reviews and
refereed essays, poems, and art work focused on a given topic. The journal is edited by graduate
students participating in Committee research activities.

Gender, Place & Culture
The aim of Gender, Place and Culture is to provide a forum for debate in human geography and
related disciplines on theoretically-informed research concerned with gender issues. It also seeks
to highlight the significance of such research for feminism and women's studies. The editors seek
articles based on primary research that address: the particularities and intersections of gender,
race, ethnicity, age, (dis)ability, sexuality, class, culture and place; feminist, anti-racist,
critical and radical geographies of space, place, nature and the environment; feminist geographies
of difference, resistance, marginality and/or spatial negotiation; and, critical methodology.

Social and Cultural Geography
Social and Cultural Geography offers a specialized outlet for the publication of research
concerned with the spatialities of society and culture, particularly the role of space, place and
culture in relation to social issues, cultural politics, aspects of daily life, cultural commodities,
consumption, identity and community, and historical legacies.

Social Geography
(interactive online journal - Copernicus Pubs.)
Social Geography provides a forum for contributions that combine a strong theoretical
orientation with praxis-related matters of concern. It focuses on the interrelation of society,
practice and space and its implications for every day-life, social and environmental policy or
economic practice.

Young: Nordic Journal
of Youth Research (SAGE)
Young addresses a broad scope of questions in the life situation of youth in the age of
globalisation - questions that are related to increased mobility of people and commodities, hybridisation
of culture and the sensitivity of young people to changes in the labour market, culture, urban and rural
contexts, etc. The journal initiates and facilitates more intense dialogue between disciplines concerned
with youth such as sociology, political science, pedagogics, psychology, anthropology, ethnology, cultural
geographies, economics, criminology, law, history, media studies, gender studies, medicine, psychiatry,
literature, musicology, film, theatre, linguistics and cultural studies.

Youth & Society
For over 35 years, Youth & Society has provided educators, counselors, researchers, and
policy makers with the latest research and scholarship in this dynamic field. This valuable resource
examines critical contemporary issues and presents vital, practical information for studying and
working with young people today.